High on the Mountain Pastures...
It is an especially grand premier seat: We are sitting in lofty heights and are able to enjoy one of the most magnificent views of the Allgäu mountains. Right next to us Tegelberg, at our feet the royal castles Hohenschwangau and Neuschwanstein. And from behind us a tantalizing smell: of alpine delicacies
"I recommend the Kässpatzn, we make the Spätzle by hand every day!” The unmistakable Allgäu accent is the hut keeper's.
"By the way, here at an altitude of over 1,000 meters, you're on a first-name basis", he smiles and shows us his realm: a small, well-organized, spotlessly clean kitchen. "The products we use are all from here and we make almost everything ourselves. On Thursdays we are hosting hut evenings and in summer we have a barbecue buffet", he tells us with a beaming smile.